MESA Tour, Day 6: Marion-Galion-Shelby-Mansfield
Thursday already? Do we really have to be done yet? It’s hard to believe this is our
last day. The forecast looks gorgeous…except for the headwinds out of the east. But
with mild temperatures and low humidity, the winds should be tolerable. Oh…but
there’s those hills…
Day 6 bike repair
We congregated at Heritage Park on the outskirts of Marion, where we discovered Kim
Pepple had worn her tires to shreds. Out came the repair stand, the tool kit, the spare
tires, and the bike mechanics had Kim on fresh rubber in no time. A NASCAR pit crew
would have been proud. We also met Mansfield Rotarian Rick Blahnik and his wife
Linda, who would ride with us back into Mansfield. Also rejoining us…again…was Bill
Matajasic from Vermilion, who explained, “It’s just too much fun not to do.”
Bill Pepple gives instructions at Galion rest stop
Shelby RC President Natalie Lantz presents a donation
Are we there already? Before we knew it, we were coasting into Galion, where we had
a quick pit stop before heading out to Shelby. Riding into Shelby, we were greeting
by signs along the route, “Welcome MESA Riders!” This can-do club understands
publicity in a big way, thanks to president and graphics designer, Natalie Lantz, and
club members who put serious energy behind their projects. Their sizeable turn-out,
wonderful lunch, publicity, and financial support is an inspirational reminder of every
club’s potential. Thank-you Shelby Rotary for your enthusiastic support for MESA!
In Shelby another rider developed a flat…once again calling out the quick-acting
mechanics who got everyone on the road without delay.
If 4’10 inch Angelica can ride the whole way,
anyone can do it, right?
The ride into Mansfield was a breeze. Unfortunately it was going the wrong way.
Nonetheless, the hills seemed less daunting without the heat we had usually
encountered on this stretch, and we arrived in Mansfield shortly after 3 PM. Prior Tour
rider and Mansfield Rotarian Jim DeSanto had wisely arranged a police escort to meet
us at a park on the outskirts of town and shepherd us through downtown traffic. But
first we had to fix another flat—the mechanics now had this task down to 80 seconds.
In short order we arrived at our final destination, The Conard House at Mansfield
Memorial Homes, where the Mansfield Rotary hosted a dinner and final celebration,
including a MESA donation presented by President Ray Laughman.
Mansfield RC President Ray Loughman
presents checks to MESA
Hungry riders Bill, Randy, Becky & Herb
in the Mansfield chow line
The “brain trust” comparing notes.
Group photo at the Conard House
as the riders bid each other adieu.
Are we done yet? Not quite. By every definition this year’s ride was a wonderful
success. Approximately 30 total riders, nineteen clubs visited, and $30,000.00 already
collected and more pledges to be paid in. But are we done? Not by a long shot. The
need remains great, the mission still calls, the road still beckons, and as Matajasic
noted, “It’s just too much fun not to do.”
So, definitely not done. We’re already recruiting other riders and developing plans for
next year’s most inspirational week on the District calendar! How will YOU be a part of
Kurt Anderson